

A functioning test taking website. This project is a monorepo composed of two packages, an API built with Express, and a frontend Client built with React.

  • react
  • typescript
  • express

Hot Paws

Jest testing on pull request with GitHub actions workflows. A React calculator to estimate how hot the sidewalk is for a dogs paws. Keep their paws safe and your best friend happy.

  • react
  • jest
  • git workflow
  • netlify


Simple React app with a check-out proccess. Styled for desktop only. 

  • javascript
  • typescript
  • react
  • netlify
desktop mock


Quick Ubuntu desktop mock with background changing functionality in the 'settings'. Made using React 18 & Typescript. Styled for desktop only. 

  • javascript
  • typescript
  • react 18
desktop mock

Some Carz

Mock dealership home/landing page made with custom Wordpress theme and ACF. Inner pages have not been created/mocked.

  • wordpress
  • php
  • digital ocean


Fete is a kanban-style web app geared towards the wedding planning industry. This was a final project at Lighthouse Labs, completed in one week.

  • react
  • express
  • postgres

Floral Studio

Mock floral studio website.

  • javascript
  • parcel

Honey & Bold

Honey & Bold is a simple wedding photography portfolio website. Using jQuery to fetch the header and footer for each page on load, create an image module, and to check local storage for the dark or light theme value.

  • javascript
  • jQuery
  • gulp


goodplants is a mock website for a plant wholesaler. Using handlebars, I was able to dynamically create the product cards, and the description pages.

  • javascript
  • handlebars
  • gulp


Midterm project at Lighthouse Labs. A Pinterest style website app that allows users to comment and create resources for the dev.

  • javascript
  • express
  • postgres
  • masonry
  • ejs

Wes Bos - Advanced React & GraphQL

E-commerce store. GraphQL API with Node.js on the backend, React and Apollo on the front end. Authentication, sending email (ethereal), uploading photos and caching data.

  • react
  • graphql
  • keystonejs
  • nextjs
  • apollo